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Molecular cation and low-dimensional perovskite surface passivation in perovskite solar cells –


The deposition of large ammonium cations onto perovskite surfaces to passivate defects and reduce contact recombination has enabled exceptional efficiency and stability in perovskite solar cells. These ammonium cations can either assemble as a thin molecular layer at the perovskite surface or induce the formation of a low-dimensional (usually two-dimensional) perovskite capping layer on top of the three-dimensional perovskite. The formation of these two different structures is often overlooked by researchers, although they impact differently on device operation. In this Review, we seek to distinguish between these two passivation layers. We consider the conditions needed for the formation of low-dimensional perovskite and the electronic properties of the two structures. We discuss the mechanisms by which each method improves photovoltaic efficiency and stability. Finally, we summarize the knowledge gaps that need to be addressed to better understand and optimize ammonium cation-based passivation strategies.

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Fig. 1: Ammonium cation-based 2D and molecular passivation layers.
Fig. 2: Fabrication methods to produce a 2D or molecular cation passivation layer.
Fig. 3: Three possible outcomes of applying ammonium ligands on top of perovskite films though solution processing.
Fig. 4: Factors driving the formation of a 2D perovskite on top of 3D perovskite.
Fig. 5: Impact of molecular or 2D perovskite passivation layers on solar cell performance.
Fig. 6: Passivation mechanisms.
Fig. 7: Photophysics of 2D perovskite passivation layers and molecular cation-passivated PSCs.
Fig. 8: Estimated T80 lifetimes extrapolated from stability data in literature reports.


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We acknowledge: the HY-NANO project, which received funding from a European Research Council Starting Grant 2018 grant under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement number 802862); the SPIKE project, which received funding from a European Research Council Proof of Concept 2022 grant under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement number 101068936). G.G. acknowledges the GOPV project (CSEAA_00011), which received funds from Bando Ricerca di Sistema—CSEA—TIPO A Piano triennale 2019–2021 Decreto direttoriale 27 Ottobre 2021 del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica; MASE-(ex MITE); and Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca and University of Pavia through the programme Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2023–2027. This research was made possible by a US Department of the Navy Office of Naval Research Grant (N00014-20-1-2572). This work was supported in part by the Ontario Research Fund’s Research Excellence programme (ORF7; Ministry of Research and Innovation, Ontario Research Fund; Research Excellence Round 7). S.T. was supported by the Hatch Scholarship for Sustainable Energy Research.

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M.D. and S.T. performed the literature review and contributed equally to writing the paper. B.C. contributed to discussion of the idea and revision of the manuscript. E.H.S. and G.G. conceived of the idea and supervised the work.

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Edward H. Sargent or Giulia Grancini.

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Supplementary information

Supplementary Data 1

Database of 50 articles that investigate the use of 2D perovskite or molecular cation passivation strategies. The database includes the paper title, reference to published article, the ligand (usually a cation) and anion (if applicable) of the passivation treatment, the annealing condition, the 3D perovskite composition, the determined surface structure, the polarity of the device, the effect on Voc, Jsc, FF and PCE of the passivation treatment, stability data and the effect of passivation on quasi-Fermi level splitting.

Source data

Source Data Fig. 1

Database of single junction perovskite solar cell efficiency certifications from 2015 onwards. The database includes full device parameters, references to published articles and whether the cell used an ammonium cation (2D or molecular cation) passivation step.

Source Data Fig. 5

Source data for Fig. 5 (derived from Supplementary Data 1).

Source Data Fig. 6

Source data for Fig. 6c (derived from Supplementary Data 1).

Source Data Fig. 8

Source data for Fig. 8 (derived from Supplementary Data 1).

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Teale, S., Degani, M., Chen, B. et al. Molecular cation and low-dimensional perovskite surface passivation in perovskite solar cells.
Nat Energy (2024).

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  • Received: 22 February 2023

  • Accepted: 22 March 2024

  • Published: 04 July 2024

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